Thanks to all of you who came along this week to hear my Cafe Scientifique talk at the Royal Society on “What causes psychosis?” The evening was a sell-out, and I’m sorry not everyone who wanted to come could get in. You can listen to my talk from the evening, plus the first half of questions from the audience. Feel free to drop me any comments or questions via this blog post. It was great to discuss my area of research – into how our environments may affect psychosis risk – with a wide range of people who came to the Royal Society event, who really set the evening alight. Thanks for all your contributions. Questions ranged from issues surrounding diagnosis of schizophrenia through to how the social environment led to disordered thoughts in the brain and whether or not delusions or hallucinations looked different in a brain scanner compared with normal thoughts.
An interview with me about my work has also featured on a Nature podcast, out today, which you can also listen to by clicking here.